Just realized, I am NOT off to a good start on my blog. So very sorry. We've had such a hectic time lately that I have neglected not just my blog, but sewing in general. Must get back to what I love doing very soon.
The other day I was visiting with friends, they have a daughter two months younger than mine. H asked me what Liv was going to be for Halloween. Um, good question. She not only knew what her daughter was going to be, but she had already ordered the costume. Awesome. So I started looking at costumes and was very disappointed in the choices. My daughter is two, but she is big for her age. Very tall girl, and needs a 5 or 6 in clothing. This caused a dilemma. Clothing for this size is WAY too short and revealing in my opinion. Also, the costumes seemed to run $40-80. Way too expensive for something my daughter could outgrow before Halloween.
So, I decided I would start looking for ideas for her costume. So far I like the idea of a female Mad Hatter. My sweet girl has red ringlets and with a little product, I think I could make it look like the Mad Hatter's hair, if he were a she. If I decide to go that route I will try and do a Mad Hatter Tutorial.
I hope after this week I can get back to sewing and really get started with blogging.